Birds #6 (2022)
The number of species we’ve had at our house this spring so far is astonishing. We’ve probably always had this abundance, but the ability to turn on the Merlin audio app while I’m working and just let it pick up calls I am not well-versed enough to identify yet has been such a gift. Just today:
Common yellowthroat, Baltimore oriole, ovenbird, field sparrow, blue jay, blackpoll warbler, black-capped chickadee, yellow-bellied sapsucker, northern flicker, red-eyed vireo, veery, black-throated blue warbler, black-throated green warbler, Tennessee warbler, hairy woodpecker, tree swallow, American goldfinch, red-bellied woodpecker, red-winged blackbird, yellow warbler, Blackburnian warbler, chimney swift, house sparrow, chestnut-sided warbler, American redstart, tufted titmouse, American crow, common raven, eastern phoebe, eastern bluebird