Birds #5 (2022)
Woke up at 4am and heard wood thrushes singing around the house along with veerys and a blue-winged warbler. Went birding at the Grasslands at 9am and heard/saw/recorded with Merlin:
blue jay, ruffed grouse, downy woodpecker, Baltimore oriole, black-capped chickadee, yellow warbler, common yellowthroat, song sparrow, red-winged blackbird, chestnut-sided warbler, American robin, ovenbird, wood thrush, gray catbird, American goldfinch, American crow, swamp sparrow, field sparrow, willet (?), common grackle, brown thrasher, eastern kingbird, mourning dove, Nashville warbler, northern cardinal, house wren, tree swallow, savannah sparrow, bobolink, house finch, European starling, American redstart, tufted titmouse, black-and-white warbler, blue-winged warbler, eastern towhee, indigo bunting, pine warbler, yellow-rumpled warbler, Wilson’s warbler, eastern bluebird, northern flicker
At home now listening to the yellowthroats, a Blackburnian warbler eating caterpillars in the treetops, and a black-throated green warbler. Coyote on the trail cam last night.