Birds #7 (2022)
It’s clear that working from home means I encounter a lot more birds than when I used to commute to an office. And the ability to use an audio-ID app like Merlin means I’m going to be more aware of birds that have probably always visited our woods but that I’ve never known were here, or if I did ID them occasionally I had no sense of how frequently they were around. This is the case with scarlet tanagers, indigo buntings, and Blackburnian warblers, for example.
From a 20 minute audio recording this morning: house wren (currently setting up shop in a hanging birdhouse), black-throated blue warbler (much more noticeable this year), northern cardinal, chestnut-sided warbler, common yellowthroat, indigo bunting, American redstart, American crow, tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch, northern shoveler (???), palm warbler, American goldfinch, eastern kingbird, yellow warbler.
From later in the morning, a 50 minute recording: American redstart, ovenbird, black-throated blue warbler, American goldfinch, northern parula (today was the first day I heard it), northern cardinal, Canada warbler (which I was able to see in the crabapple tree next to our driveway), red-eyed vireo, Townsend’s warbler (???), Mississippi kite (???), Philadelphia vireo (I’m skeptical of this - I think it’s picking up the red-eyed vireo at the same time), eastern wood-pewee, Iberian chiffchaff (this… seems unlikely), Louisiana waterthrush, blue jay, long-eared owl (also seems very unlikely), common raven, chestnut-sided warbler, scarlet tanager, common yellowthroat, and Williamson’s sapsucker (can’t be right!).