June 21, 2021
We spent last week in Corea, Maine, on the Schoodic Peninsula just east of Mount Desert Island. The house was on the water, with views down Gouldsboro Bay to the open Atlantic and the lighthouse on Petit Manan Island. Every day we heard northern parulas, which we everywhere including Bass Harbor on MDI (the Wonderland Trail) and Acadia National Park on Schoodic as well.
Other birds included osprey, winter wren, dark-eyed junco, golden-crowned kinglet, bald eagle, double-breasted cormorant, common raven, common loon, American crow, American goldfinch, song sparrow, black-throated green warbler, black-throated blue warbler, Blackburnian warbler, blue-headed vireo, red-eyed vireo, common yellowthroat, palm warbler, red-breasted nuthatch, hermit thrush, pileated woodpecker, American robin, and lots of different gulls, including laughing and ring-billed.
Back at home the veery is still singing, as are the yellowthroats, red-eyed vireos, and more. Last month at Herrick’s Cove, additional birds included warbling vireo, marsh wren, great-crested flycatcher, northern mockingbird, eastern kingbird, brown thrasher, and the usual suspects.
We are still in a drought, though could receive some strong thunderstorms this evening.