December 21, 2021

The last time I wrote a post here was the summer solstice. Once the frenzy of spring migration is over, the urge to log sightings here wanes, but I saw a lot of amazing mushrooms last fall, and capture images of bobcat, deer, coyote, gray fox, porcupine, and more on our trail camera. In the past week, hairy-tailed moles have pushed up six or eight mounds of dirt on our lawn, presumably to get easy access to fallen birdseed, but now those holes are covered with snow. Yesterday a dark-eyed junco slammed into one of our windows (covered by a storm window that I think had enough “give” that the bird wasn’t seriously injured). It fell in the snow and I was able to scoop it up and take it inside before it froze. Once it warmed up and regained its senses, I took it outside and it flew off after a minute.

2021 Fungi List:

Birch polypore
Orange jelly spot
Golden pholiota
Shaggy mane
Velvet foot
Yellowleg bonnet
Pale brittlestem
Resinous polypore
Bulbous honey fungus
Painted suillus
Purple laccaria
Tawny grisette
Tricholoma fracticum
Red-mouth bolete
Common earthball
Violet coral fungus
Jackson’s slender Caesar
Eastern North American destroying angel
Yellow patches
Burnt-orange bolete
Chicken fat mushroom
Shiny cinnamon polypore
Hygrophorous milkcap
Pinewood gingertail

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