Birds #10 (2020)
Right now I’m hearing phoebes calling and chattering vigorously. Their first clutch of eggs hatched some time ago, and the babies are almost fully fledged, and crowding out of the nest affixed to the house.
We also saw chimney swifts for the first time over our house the other evening. Other than that, the standout birds of the spring have been wood thrushes in the back woods, common yellowthroats (mostly heard but not seen except for one that I startled who flew up out of the garden and eyed me for about 10 seconds before flying off), and the chestnut-sided warbler pair whose nest is in the thimbleberries outside our bedroom window.
Yesterday we went for a walk in the Windsor Grasslands and saw a brown thrasher, barn swallows, bluebirds, and cedar waxwings.