Birds #8 (Inventory)
With the arrival this morning, of a wood thrush up behind the cabin, I want to see if I can come up with a complete list of birds heard or seen (or both) at our home.
Black-capped chickadee / Tufted titmouse / White-breasted nuthatch / Brown creeper / Golden-crowned kinglet / Downy woodpecker / Hairy woodpecker / Yellow-bellied sapsucker / Pileated woodpecker / Red-bellied woodpecker / Northern flicker / White-throated sparrow / Song sparrow / Field sparrow / Chipping sparrow / Dark-eyed junco / American goldfinch / American robin / Eastern bluebird / American crow / Common raven / Northern cardinal / Indigo bunting / Rose-breasted grosbeak / Cedar waxwing / Baltimore oriole / Pine siskin / Common redpoll / Wild turkey / Ruffed grouse / Purple finch / House finch / Mourning dove / Blue jay / Red-tailed hawk / Broad-winged hawk / Bald eagle / Turkey vulture / Osprey / Belted kingfisher / Great egret / Red-winged blackbird / Black-and-white warbler / Black-throated green warbler / Black-throated blue warbler / Yellow-rumped warbler / Tennessee warbler / Common yellowthroat / Northern parula / Blue-winged warbler / Ovenbird / Chestnut-sided warbler / American redstart / Pine warbler / Carolina wren / House wren / Eastern phoebe / Eastern kingbird / Eastern wood-pewee / Blue-gray gnatcatcher / Scarlet tanager / Gray catbird / Veery / Hermit thrush / Wood thrush / Red-eyed vireo / Barred owl / Ruby-throated hummingbird / American woodcock / Common merganser / Great blue heron / Louisiana waterthrush / Least flycatcher